
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My Birthday Wish

In case you missed my last blog - I'm turning 30!!!

Today is my 30th birthday, and I just have one birthday wish. My wish is to raise the travel funds we need to return to Thailand and India this Spring. 

Many of you know that my husband and I work full time running an orphan care non-profit called The Sound of Hope. What I hope you know - is that we consistently sacrifice to put the needs of the children we serve first. What you probably don't know - is that often means sacrificing the administrative funds we need as an organization. As a matter of fact, it's been more than 2 years since we've had the administrative funds we need to travel. Unfortunately, our work is suffering because of it. 

There are 211 children in 4 countries who depend on our organization. It is incredibly important that we spend time at each of our international partnerships -- to build even stronger relationships with our native partners and with the children we care for. It's important that we spend time in each country researching the needs of the Children's Homes, planning future fundraisers, and gathering the media we need to effectively fundraise for the children. Our work in the US depends on the work we do while we are overseas. I cannot express this enough -- it is vital for the future of our non-profit organization that we travel this year. 

Today is my birthday, but I'm not wishing for anything glamorous. It might seem crazy to some people that on my 30th birthday, I'm begging you to help me return to the slums and brothels and orphanages in 3rd world countries - but that is honestly my heart's desire! I adore the children we care for through The Sound of Hope, and today my heart is aching to be back with them!

I made a promise to Jyoti that I would come back.

I made a promise to Susheela that I would come back.

Since we were last overseas, a brand new Children's Home (that we helped establish) has opened in Thailand, and the first 8 little girls have come into the home. I made a promise to those little girls that we would visit.... a promise that we would meet them and spend time with them and show them how much we love them. Every single time we call them, they get on the phone and beg us to visit. On every single phone call I hear 8 little voices pleading with us - "Rusty and Ericka, when are you coming to see us?!" And during every phone call I cry - because I cannot be with them.

And so, today, on my 30th birthday, it would mean so much if you would donate $30 in honor of my life and my work with The Sound of Hope at the link below. We need to raise at least $15,000 by the end of January, but even $30 will make a difference! Please GIVE so that we can GO and help these children have a better future! Please make my birthday wish come true!

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