

"The word journey, as opposed to trip, suggests that there is an implicit road to discovery - to immerse yourself in all that you encounter."

I recently came across this quote in a travel magazine and thought, "What a wonderful description of life!" - at least that is how my husband and I try to live. To constantly be exploring, seeking, searching, learning, and growing.... discovering along the way more about ourselves, other people, the world, who God is, and who He has made us to be. And, no matter what, believing that there is a purpose for every experience along the way. And so, the name - The Jacksons' Journey - seemed to be the perfect title for my blog!

As for you, my family, friends, and readers (some of you - just friends I haven't met yet!) - you are invited along on my journey. I believe we are made for honesty and vulnerability - so I hope you'll appreciate my candid entries. This blog is all about my life - my family and our adoption from Thailand...  my non-profit work.... my friends... my adventures around the world... a few of my favorite things... and of course my thoughts, struggles, life lessons, and celebrations along the way!